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We would like to ask for your help in shaping NEURONUS 2024. We cordially invite you to send us your proposals for symposia. Selection will be made by the Scientific Committee based on the scientific content and availability of lecture rooms.
Symposium should last approximately 90 minutes, and be composed of talk by the Invited Speaker and 3-4 talks given by early-career researchers.
Symposium Organizer is asked to submit the proposal with the filled out template via email neuronusforum@uj.edu.pl
1. Symposium Organizer is asked to contact the Invited Speaker before submitting the proposal to ensure their willingness to participate and the availability for the NEURONUS 2024 Forum. To promote diversity of topics we encourage Symposium Organizers to suggest Invited Speakers who were not previously presenting at the NEURONUS Forums.
2. Early-career speakers may be proposed by the Symposium Organizer. At least two of early-career speakers must be at pre-doctoral level. If proposed, early-career speakers must origin from different institutions and the Symposium Organizer should provide a brief information about the content of their talks (max 200 words each). Symposium Organizer can also decide to leave empty slots for student speakers. They will be assigned by a Scientific Committee, based on submitted abstracts, to match the general focus of the symposium.
4. Wide range of approaches and/or methods within the session will be appreciated. Gender diversity among speakers will be also appreciated.
5. Conference Organizers can cover the fee, accommodation and travel costs of the Invited Speaker, however, we cannot cover the costs of fee and travel for other speakers within the session.
6. Symposium proposals should be submitted for evaluation before 30 November 2023 6 December 2023. The decision on accepting the symposium will be taken by the Scientific Committee and communicated to the Symposium Organizer by 6 December 2023 13 December 2023.
7. Only upon accepting the proposal, Symposium Organizer will be asked to formalize the invitation of the Invited Speaker. Additionally, Symposium Organizer should ensure that all speakers will submit the final version of their abstracts, and register for the conference via the webpage in due time.